Midwest LRIG 2025 Spring Conference & Biotechnology Exhibitor Information

We look forward to seeing you at the Midwest LRIG 2025 Spring Conference at the Hotel Alexander in Indianapolis, IN on April 17th, 2025.​
New Format: This year we will have a 1-day meeting, with set-up beginning at 7am. The event will begin at 1pm and end at 8pm.
Sponsorship and Exhibitor opportunities are as follows:
Platinum Sponsor
Gold Sponsorship: (2 available)
In addition to becoming an exhibitor and exhibitor benefits:
Recognition as Gold Sponsor in printed program
Recognition as dinner sponsor
Recognition on signs and brochures
(optional) 10 minute Tech-talk presentation as part of the regular agenda
Company logo on website under Gold Sponsor
Recognition at opening and closing of meeting
Silver Sponsorship: (8 available)
In addition to becoming an exhibitor and exhibitor benefits:
Recognition as Silver Sponsor in printed program
Recognition on signs and brochures
Company logo on website under Silver Sponsor
Recognition at opening and closing of meeting
Exhibitor: (14 available)
Includes: (1) 6’ x 30” draped table, electricity, Wi-Fi, secure storage, attendance to seminars, lunch, dinner, reception on 4/17. Company name listed on event site as vendor.
Vendors please fill out and return the Vendor Information Form.
A block of hotel rooms has been reserved at the Hotel Alexander:
Midwest LRIG 2025 Spring Conference Group Rate
Inquiries from Exhibitors should be directed to midwestlrig@gmail.com.
Shipping Instructions:
Exhibitors can ship items up to 5 days prior to the event.
Equipment Requirements for Table -Top setup:
Equipment needs to be table-top size and fit on the current table provided. If you would like to bring a free-standing instrument, you will need to purchase two tables or not have a table at all. Please plan accordingly for this since the event is will sell out of tables.
Banners can be free-standing and placed on top of the table or behind the table (if the space allows).
The official setup time is 7am-1pm on Wednesday, April 17 , 2025.
Day of:
On April 17th, exhibitors arrive at 7:00 am for setup and preparation.
1pm starts the arrival for attendees (Exhibits open at 1pm)
The Midwest LRIG Board of Directors are all volunteers to help support a greater cause: www.midwestlrig.org/about
Please help spread the word to your local customers and leads!
We look forward to seeing you!
Midwest LRIG Board of Directors